Friday, October 2, 2015

Getting ready for GHC15!

It was Friday and the last day at Cisco to be nominated to attend Grace Hopper Conference (GHC). In the last couple of hours that day, things magically fell in place and I got a spot at GHC. I was as overwhelmed as excited. One of my colleagues believes in "meant to be" and she says if something is meant to be yours, it will effortlessly come to you and I never believed that. To believe in anything, I always need a indisputable logic.  However, GHC and couple of other things in the recent past have happened to me like magic which are making me ponder about the "meant to be" theory. Maybe I believe in magic! Maybe not! Maybe I know the reason behind how it all worked out! :)

Three or four years back, It is through one of Sheryl Sandberg's posts, I learnt about Anita Borg, Anita Borg Institute (ABI) and GHC. I draw great inspiration from the stories and experiences shared on ABI. It is this year with great excitement, I would be attending the Grace Hopper Conference and I have no doubt about the great experiences I would be recording for my life.

I am hoping to meet great people, hear to great sessions and experiences, draw inspiration, learn new topics, spread the excitement and have fun at #GHC15.

#GHC15, See you very soon!